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Week 32: Pop-Tart Filled Cake

September 30, 2012 by Nina Spezzaferro

I have to say, you haven’t truly lived until you bake six Pop-Tarts into a yellow cake loaf and then nearly eat the whole thing in a weekend. And I don’t regret it one bit(e). 

I was doing some research for another cake I have cooking in my brain and came across a recipe for Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop-Tart Cake on the Lilyshop Blog (which, by the way is a lovely blog). I just had to try it for myself. So I did.

Here’s my mise en place. Jessie over at Lilyshop gives an original recipe for yellow cake, but mentions you can follow the directions on a box of yellow cake. I’m not going to lie and try to be one of those baking purists who would NEVER think of using a box of cake mix. I love the convenience of a cake mix cake, especially when it’s a yellow cake mix cake.

I was using Brown Sugar Cinnamon flavored Pop-Tarts, but you can use whatever Pop-Tart flavor you like!

Following the directions on the box of cake mix, I mixed the dry mix  together with the eggs, oil, and water. Gosh this was easy and fun!

I reserved a little sprinkle of the dry cake mix to use in place of flour after I greased the loaf plan. In the bottom of the prepared pan, I poured in enough batter to coat the bottom and placed two Pop-Tarts on top.

I repeated the process until all 6 Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop-Tarts were layered inside the batter.

I baked the cake according to Jessie’s directions – 35 minutes at 325 degrees and an additional 10 minutes covered with foil.

I let the cake cool for 10 minutes or so while I started salivating over the sweetened condense milk. I have serious control issues around the stuff. I could drink it out of the can. It’s SO tasty!

I ran a knife down each of the sides of the loaf plan to loosen it a bit. I pricked the “top” (soon to be the bottom once it’s flipped out of the pan) of the cake with a toothpick, making about 30-35 pricks. I poured about a 1/4 of the can of sweetened condensed milk on top and let it absorb for about 10 minutes.

Once the cake was flipped out of the pan, I was dying for a slice. I probably could have been a little more artistic with the sweetened condensed milk drizzle, but I was in a hurry! I drizzled about a 1/4 of the can on top and snagged a slice.

Look at those delicious Pop-Tart layers! I realized I could have put a little more batter on the bottom of the pan and between the layers. Next time! And there will definitely be a next time. This one’s a keeper. I hope you try it for yourself.


  1. Aunt Silly says:

    Looks delicious – and I’m all for boxed mixes, too! I’ve got an aching back from making a carrot cake from scratch yesterday.

  2. Jessie Jane says:

    Thank you for mentioning me! Love the cake ~ yours turned out great! Xx

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